The Oregon Trail
31 Jan

The Oregon Trail

Posted By: Johnny Times Read: 526

Anybody who's anybody loves to game, whether old school, retro, RPG, open world, FPS, etc. I can go all day like Bubba talking to Forrest about shrimp. In the 1970's, video games were just the beginning of a new generation. Oregon Trail was an old 1970's computer game. It was very addictive and challenging. Many ways to die, but everyone remembers the most common and hilarious way to die in the game.  The game will tell you at one point, if you're not careful, that you have dysentery. If not taken care of, later you will be notified you that "You have died of dysentery." Then you would have to start all over again or quit. The game today has been re-made multiple times to catch up with modern technology and graphics and is even a board game. Oregon Trail was and still is a fun and classic game that will continue to be enjoyable for years to come.

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