Black Friday Shirts and Hoodies Now on Mixed Tees
21 Nov

Black Friday Shirts and Hoodies Now on Mixed Tees

Posted By: Shane Montgomery Times Read: 2709
With Black Friday coming up soon, people already have their favorite places scoped out and ready to stand in line for hours if not days. Okay I can see standing in line for a couple days if they are selling giant flat screen TVs for half price. Maybe a car? Yeah I could stand in line for cars that are half price. But the people who stand in line for regular Black Friday sales are beasts. It’s totally impressive. The team here at Mixed Tees were so impressed, we designed some Black Friday shirts that get straight to the spirit of the day. Our Black Friday Warrior and Black Friday Fight Club shirts will let everyone else in line know you mean business! The inspiration of these shirts come from the numerous accounts of people fighting to get into the store to get the low priced items first. Whether you are number one or number 1000 in line, put on your game face and one of our two Mixed Tees Black Friday shirts (War Paint Sold Separately).
This parody design was inspired from the movie Fight Club. While the designers here at Mixed Media would never pick a fight (because they are nerdy and would lose), the design seemed to fit perfectly with the idea of Black Friday. While most people have fun in line these days, before it was really popular to stand in line for Black Friday, people were basically irritated after hours of waiting through the wee hours of the morning for the stores to open. And there were many fights. While Mixed Tees doesn’t condone fighting (Unless you are fighting for the honor of a woman), we do enjoy making fun of it.
Black Friday Warrior
The Black Friday Warrior design is simple at it’s core message. The design is distressed to show the battle worn nature of the shirt. No doubt people who are new to Black Friday will want to wear this shirt to make it look like they are seasoned veterans of the shopping experience. Okay, well that’s what we were going for anyway. Whether you are seasoned or a newbie to the first shopping day of Christmas, people will be impressed if you wear this shirt with a Viking helmet (Viking helmet sold separately).
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